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Well-being for Ourselves, our Planet & our Communities is possible …


Healing & Emergence

If you know you want to engage with healing; consider Ayurveda as your framework.

The roots of Ayurvedic Medicine lie in the birthplace of civilization, when humans were moving from village living to urban living. Old ways were losing relevance & new understandings were emerging.

Sound familiar?

Current conditions ‘rhyme’ with other eras of flux. In order to find health & resilience now we must reconfigure what we thought we knew about healthy living.

I can help you navigate the process of healing supported by ancient wisdom & modern knowledge of holistic healing, centering you & your needs.


The Process …

Start where you are …

First we develop your honest & detailed health history, an understanding of your current state of wellness, your commitment level & current capacity. These are essential to beginning our journey together.

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Your treatment plan …

Ayurvedic Wellness always involves diet & daily practices. Herbal formulas, cleanses (pancha karma), body treatments, oils, meditation, pranayam & referrals to other practitioners will be recommended.

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Refinement …

You will be doing the day-to-day work to regain your balance. It is my responsibility to guide & inspire you. We will learn together & co-create your process as it evolves from symptom relief to complete correction.


Eden Tosch

With Ayurveda I hope to offer a framework for emancipatory health care practices. When we include radical self-awareness, inter-relatedness & spiritual sensitivity we can build a Way of Living that will support us into the future, no matter what the challenges …

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Modern principles of Ayurveda …

Ayurveda provides a template for us to move into a future where so much is unknown. It is not a time to pin things down with rigidity & certainty but gently hold values & principles that will orient us towards simpler, healthier, more connected lives. The ancient texts provide us with thousands of details on herbs & diets & routines; but the most valuable guidance of the Ayurvedic Granthas for Modern Western students are the Ways of Seeing our relationship to the world we live in. These values will serve us well into the future.

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Are your daily practices sustainable? How long can you keep them up? What impacts does your life-style have on the planet? Lets look at the sustainability of your life both for you & your environment.

Can this process be one of lifelong adherence?

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What grows where you live? What flourishes? What resources do you have already? What cultures do you have access to?

Ayurveda respects locale; being tuned to your region is sustainable for your body & ecology.

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Start where you are. Ease & efficiency must be a part of every routine. Practices of healing & self-awareness take time; but a holistic lifestyle supports itself with grace and ease.

The long term economy of life must be one of clarity & simplicity.

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What you have at your fingertips is what you should use. Our ancestors knew this because they had no choice, but we can cultivate a way of living that optimizes what is at hand for healing & successful living as a Human.

Anything can be a Medicine.

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importance of ancestry

In the US we are immigrants. Most of us have roots that extend to far flung parts of Gaia. Ayurveda says that our bodies show preferences for practices & foods of our Ancestors.

How do we embody this knowledge?

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Awareness & accountability

Adherence to ayurvedic values involves awareness & accountability.

Just as everything in your life impacts you; everything you do impacts those around you. Community health is basic to individual health.


The times we are in call for a synthesis of ancient wisdom with a modern sense of Body & Spirit, Individualism & Community. Ayurveda provides us with practical principles that speak to the relationship between our Body & Everything we come in contact with…


Recipes & Foods

Useful ayurvedic recipes, thoughts on food, diet & culture

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Play & Practice

Learn the Ayurvedic practices of everyday living: dina charya.

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Majick & Theory

Transformation based in universal principles.

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Ayurvedic Diet Guide for Everyone & Anyone

When you sign up for monthly-ish recipes, tips & offers.