Irregular; Vata Identity

When I was growing up my Mom would often shop at outlets and factory seconds stores. She was thrifty. Most of our clothes had 'Irregular' stamped somewhere on them. I tried not to read too much into it...

If we were living in ancient India we would have been stamped 'Vishama'.

Vishama is anything that does not happen in a regular way. Anything 'off schedule' or atypical.

This can be in relationship to schedules: eating lunch at 11am some days & 4pm others. It can be related to what you eat: sushi one day & a bowl of Cheerios the next. It can be related to your energy levels: productive & thrilled to be alive before lunch & lethargic & snarky after. 

Of course regularity begets regularity. My great grandma Emma ate a Velveeta (TM) sandwich on white bread and 1/2 of a Red Delicious apple every day (except Sunday) at 12 noon. Despite the fact that this meal was hardly nutritious by Ayurvedic or any other standard her body was nourished & stable. Every bit of that meal was put to good use by her body due to the years of experience she had in making the best nourishment possible from these foods. She was quick witted, even keeled, spry & rarely sick until her death at 86. 

Regular eating, sleeping, even thinking habits are good for our body.

  • When we go to sleep at the same time daily our body is prepared for sleep when we lie down & more easily lets go of the tethers of our senses. We are more refreshed by sleep that is easily assimilated through regularity.

  • When we eat at the same time every day our body is prepared to digest, assimilate & nourish itself at those times. Our digestion is more efficient. Our ability to feel nourished and energized is maximized.

  • When we eat foods that our body is accustomed to we are able to gain more nourishment from those meals than if we are eating entirely differently from day to day. Our bodies experience with particular foods means we get more benefit from them (and less harm) than we will eating ‘healthy’ foods that we have no experience digesting.

When we prioritize regularity in our lives rather than novelty our energy levels will be even & dependable day to day & year to year. When our energy levels are even our tissues can be strong,  resilient, & resistant to disease of all sorts so that we too can life to be spry 86 year olds!


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