What can Working with me help with?
Ayurveda excels at treating digestive health, reproductive health & stress related problems. These symptom sets make up 75% of what I work on. Many clients who have struggled for years are able to resolve them easily with the proper ayurvedic guidance.
My practice is rooted in Classical Indian Medicine; a holistic system. I treat the whole body, spirit & mind & takes into account all aspects of life & wellness. A body part or a single disease can not be healed in isolation from the Whole. Healing comes from integrating your Being into a state of ease-ful functioning. As a wellness practice & dietary guide Ayurveda is a perfect place to build overall health, resilience, balanced & longevity.
Digestive Health
Agni, the principle of fire & transformation, is the central pillar of Ayurveda. Many digestive issues can be eased or corrected quickly with a personalized Ayurvedic diet & treatments. A western diagnosis of IBS, chronic indigestion & bloating, food allergies, hemorrhoids, acidity & constipation respond well to Ayurveda.
Menstrual Health
Monthly cramping, bloating, digestive problems, breakouts & crankiness are not normal conditions that have to be lived with! Ayurveda excels at treating menstrual problems & helping women find balance in relationship to their fertility & sexuality. Let me help you alleviate these issues once and for all!
Stress related issues
Anxiety, insomnia, ennui, & hopelessness plague modern urban humans. Even if you do not have the time right now to for a deep healing process; oil & steam treatments, herbs & breathing practices can be the support you need to begin your journey towards balance & sustain the spiritual & mental health work you are doing.