Fruit Binge Time …
sun kissed apricots
Every year I wait impatiently for the best cleanse of the year…. Fruit Purge Time.
It is late spring & time for getting rid of all the heaviness that builds up in our bodies & minds over the cold wet months. If you are having allergies, or feeling heavy, or your joints are achy, or are just a well-adjusted & sensible follower of Ayurveda, you may be thinking “Geez I really need to do some inner spring cleaning!”. And if you are anything like me you are also thinking “Ugh. I don’t really want to do Pancha Karma (aka a serious Ayurvedic Cleanse)!”
Luckily we have just entered Stone Fruit Season which presents us with another option. This is not at all traditional Ayurveda as far as I know. It is just an incredibly joyful & fun & regionally appropriate way to lighten up a bit. It is NOT a replacement for pancha karma or any other more serious cleanse; but it will help you feel lighter & more energized & more aligned with the seasons.
This is how I do it:
Make sure you are starting your day with a cup of hot water & ghee. If you usually take 1 tsp of ghee take 1 + Tbsp instead. Do this for a few days to prepare.
Visit one of our amazing Bay Area Farmers Markets & get a few kilos of Cherries or Apricots. I like the effect of cherries for this, but sun ripened apricots are less cloying. Some apricot trees are more purgative than others, you may have to try fruit from a few different farms. Below are my suggestions for Farmers Markets that are more interesting & affordable if you are not feeling bougee.
Eat only (or mainly) fruit for one whole day. Revel in the richness & sweetness! Truly enjoy this debaucherous detox. Do not entertain any stoic thoughts of how hard this is or how this is punishment for too much cheese cake etc. Just enjoy the sensory pleasures of allowing yourself to indulge in these bites of sun & soil that the Gaia has provided for us!
If you get lightheaded feel free to enjoy one meal of rice & spring veggies.
If you tend towards constipation you may want to take a dose of Castor Oil before dinner.
Indulge in a warm bath or a trip to PSY for a soak & steam.
The next day you should have a mild Verachan (laxative purge) so don’t get too far from a toilet in the morning! Every body is different so results will vary; listen to your body. Some people will feel they can do a few days of fruit.
Be gentle on your stomach for a few days afterwards. This is a great opportunity to reset your diet. Focus on freshly prepared rice & seasonal veggies.