In the early days there were many Fire Deities:

Goddess Kamuy-huci of the Ainu of Japan, the keeper of the portal between the world of Humans & Spirits.


     Tabiti the Scythian Goddess representing the primeval substance from which the Universe is formed.


     Agni Vedic God of Fire (who was probably a derivative of Tabiti) & symbol of the power to consume, transform & convey.

Early humans remembered via myth the steps to harnessing fire & the changes that this brought. These stories reminded us of when we first learned to spark fire & nurture it on long cold nights. They bring an element of magik to the reality that fire makes our food tastier, last longer & provide more nourishment. These stories have their roots in the times when we began to cultivate fire; over a million years ago. These Deities of Fire are old; many have been lost or diminished in recent millennia.

We can not underestimate the importance of our relationship with Fire. Our very beings are shaped by Fire. Having access to Fire allowed us to develop relation-ally, nutritionally & location-ally.  As we became better nourished it changed how our bodies worked (smaller guts) & the capacity of our intellect (bigger brains). Around the first bonfires we developed our first mythologies & told the stories of the Fire deities that aided us in our progression.

They remind us about working with powerful elements for our betterment, of using the tools of nature to cultivate & change ourselves. These mythologies memorialize early self-creation. 

Why talk about Fire on another sodden spring day?
It is the Vernal Equinox & the New Moon in Aries.
It is in essence the First Day of the Astrological Year. 
It is one day of many celebrated in the ancient traditions with Fire.

Plus ... we need to do something to dry ourselves off & heat ourselves up in order to launch into the coming months of disorder and delight!


What are you going to burn off 🔥

What are you going to transform 🔥

What are you going to purify 🔥


Why Ghee?


And now for a few (more) words about Castor Oil!